When it comes to promoting tourism in beautiful Quintana Roo, controversy can arise. The recent proposal to reduce the Consejo de Promocion Turistica de Quintana Roo (CPTQ) has sparked heated debate among hoteliers in the area.
The CPTQ, responsible for promoting tourism and boosting economic development, has been a source of pride for the state. But with the current economic climate, some have suggested cutting back on the council’s budget and personnel.
Hoteliers, however, are not on board with the proposal. They argue that the CPTQ is crucial to attracting tourists to the area and keeping the industry thriving. Without the council’s marketing efforts and events, Quintana Roo could lose out on vital revenue.
But not everyone is convinced. Critics of the council argue that reducing its size and scope would lead to more efficient use of funds and resources. They believe that the CPTQ has become bloated and bureaucratic and that a reduction would lead to a leaner, more effective organization.
Regardless of which side you take, there’s no denying the importance of the CPTQ to the tourism industry in Quintana Roo. It will be interesting to see how this debate continues to unfold and what impact it will have on the future of tourism in the area.
” Sources www.eleconomista.com.mx ”